Added support for 2020 crash tables released by NJDOT in 2022
Fixed an issue with lazydata on Windows
Updates to package documentation
Excess white space is now removed by default for character columns.
has been refactored to utilize read_njtr1()
on downloaded files to avoid repetitions in code & better maintainability.
Added new function read_njtr1()
for reading offline crash table data. This function supports reading in and cleaning a TXT or ZIP file containing NJTR-1 data.
It is now possible to download data for a specific county by specifying its name in the county argument in get_njtr1()
. The default option still downloads data for the entire state.
Added example data for testing package functionality without internet connectivity.
Support added for downloading historical crash data from 2001 - 2016
Date fields are now automatically parsed for driver DOB and crash date fields using {lubridate}
refactored to fail gracefully when internet resources unavailable
New argument added to select only geotagged crash data suitable for mapping (geo = TRUE)
Fix an error that caused coordinates to be unavailable in crash data due to parsing failures
Hotfix to address archival by CRAN, one vignette updated
Initial public release